Radio Buttons are created on the report parameter through the enums.
There are two scenarios.IF the style of the enum property is radio button than code is different and if the style of the enum property is combo box than code will be different.
First I will give the example of the enum which have style property set to radio button:
Below is the screen of the enum with style property set to radio button:
First we have to create the parm method for this enum in the contract class.
Below is the screen shot for this.
Than in the build method of the UIBuilder class we need to add the following code to show the radio button control on the dialog:
Now in the postbuild method of the UI builder class I am getting the bind control and registering a method on the selection change of this control.
the type of dialogFieldFilterBy is DialogField.I have declared this in the class declaration.
Now the method that I have registered in the this control will enable disable some other controls based on the selection change of the radio control.
Below is the definition of this method that I have registered.
After doing all of this just refresh the datasources on the designer node of this report in visual studio so that parameters should appear in the parameters not of report.
Now after running the report the checkbox control appears like this:
Now on the selection change of this radio control the method will be called that we have registered previously i.,e filterbymodified
Now when I select the ProjectQuotation from the radio button ItemGroupId and ItemId will be disabled and Project Field will be enable due to the execution of the code in the registered method.
As you can see this in the below image.
This was all related to the radio button in SSRS reports using the enum with style property set to radio button.
In the next post I will give the example of creating the radio buttons with enum with style property set to combo box.
Muhammad Zahid.
First I will give the example of the enum which have style property set to radio button:
Below is the screen of the enum with style property set to radio button:
First we have to create the parm method for this enum in the contract class.
Below is the screen shot for this.
Than in the build method of the UIBuilder class we need to add the following code to show the radio button control on the dialog:
Now in the postbuild method of the UI builder class I am getting the bind control and registering a method on the selection change of this control.
the type of dialogFieldFilterBy is DialogField.I have declared this in the class declaration.
Now the method that I have registered in the this control will enable disable some other controls based on the selection change of the radio control.
Below is the definition of this method that I have registered.
After doing all of this just refresh the datasources on the designer node of this report in visual studio so that parameters should appear in the parameters not of report.
Now after running the report the checkbox control appears like this:
Now on the selection change of this radio control the method will be called that we have registered previously i.,e filterbymodified
Now when I select the ProjectQuotation from the radio button ItemGroupId and ItemId will be disabled and Project Field will be enable due to the execution of the code in the registered method.
As you can see this in the below image.
This was all related to the radio button in SSRS reports using the enum with style property set to radio button.
In the next post I will give the example of creating the radio buttons with enum with style property set to combo box.
Muhammad Zahid.