This is the second post related to the radio button control for RDP Based SSRS Reports.
Below are the steps for creating the radio buttons from the enums of style type combo box.
First of all declare the following variables in the class declaration of the UI Builder Class.
After that write the following code in the build method of the UI builder class.
After that write the following code in the post run method of the UI builder class after the super() method.
The above code is basically registering the override modified method on the selection change of the radio buttons.
Below is the definition of this reportTypeModifiedMethod
The above method is basically enabling and disabling the custAccount lookup on the selection change of the radio buttons.
Now after doing all of this please refresh the datasource node of the report on visual studio to see the parameters reflected there.
After running the report the parameters looks like this.
On the selection of "EEO prepartion" the custAccount lookup will gets disable as our reportTypeModified method that we have discussed previously is doing this.
One thing we noted here is that there is no need to create the contract method of the enum if the style of the enum is combo box.
This was all related to the creation of radio buttons from the enum having style = combo box.
Feel free to comment if you need further info on this,
Muhammad Zahid.
In this post we will learn on creating the radio buttons using the enum with style property set to combo box.
below is the screen shot of the enum with style property set to combo box.
Below are the steps for creating the radio buttons from the enums of style type combo box.
First of all declare the following variables in the class declaration of the UI Builder Class.
After that write the following code in the build method of the UI builder class.
After that write the following code in the post run method of the UI builder class after the super() method.
The above code is basically registering the override modified method on the selection change of the radio buttons.
Below is the definition of this reportTypeModifiedMethod
The above method is basically enabling and disabling the custAccount lookup on the selection change of the radio buttons.
Now after doing all of this please refresh the datasource node of the report on visual studio to see the parameters reflected there.
After running the report the parameters looks like this.
On the selection of "EEO prepartion" the custAccount lookup will gets disable as our reportTypeModified method that we have discussed previously is doing this.
One thing we noted here is that there is no need to create the contract method of the enum if the style of the enum is combo box.
This was all related to the creation of radio buttons from the enum having style = combo box.
Feel free to comment if you need further info on this,
Muhammad Zahid.