After the upgrade from AX 2009 to AX 2012.My client has raised an issue that he was not able to select the delivery note and physical date from Stock Transactions table in selection criteria on the SalesEditLines Form.
After some research I found out that there is same change in InventTransData Model and thats why query associated to the SalesEditLines Form is also modified that's why user was not able to see the two fields as they were in AX 2009.
Below is the Screen Shot taken from AX 2009 of the form SalesEditLines Form:
Above form can be access through the below navigation path:
Account Receivable -> Periodic -> Sales update -> invoice
As you can see in the above image Stock Transactions table was available in selection criteria in AX 2009 but in AX 2012 it is change in the query associated to this form due to change in the data model of InventTrans.
Below is the link that contains the description of change in InventTrans Data model in AX 2012.