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Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Installing printer on One Box Dev in D365 for Ops

Installing Network Printer on One Box Environment.

Below are the steps to install network printer on your machine if you want to print document or SSRS report directly to the Printer.

Navigate to Organisation Administration -> Setup -> Network Printers

Download this software and then install it.

After the installation open your document routing agent.

Go to the settings and then set the Azure AD Tenant, your Dev Box URL in Dynamics 365 URL textbox and check the the checkbox enable logging view in application and then press ok

After that go to the printer tab and select the Printer which you want to use to Print your documents.

Note: Sometime your desire printer won't appear in the list of printers that are showing. In that case you need to install that specific printer first by going to the Control Panel and Printer and settings.

Here in above image you can see that many Printers are appearing and I have selected one on which I have to do the testing. You can select multiple printers as well.

Once you select the printer and press the register button then that specific printer will appear in the list of registered printers on the following navigation.

Organisation Administration -> Setup -> Network Printers

Now I will show you while printing the SSRS report when I select the Print destination Printer instead of the screen then the above printer will appear on the available list of printers.

For more details below is the link from Microsoft:

Monday, 5 August 2019

An error occurred rendering the report. Accessing the report server URL caused an error. The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.

We have to customize the transfer order shipment report in Microsoft Dynamics D365 for Operations and while running the report if we sent the report directly to the printer instead of printing on the screen we were getting the following errors.

" An error occurred rendering the report. Accessing the report server URL caused an error. The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error."

In the initial investigation I thought there is some issues on the printer cause the report was working fine when I set the printer destination on screen.

But after some research I found below link where its mentioned to check the SSRS logs.

Below is the link where can see the details of how to investigate the SSRS logs.

On the above link I found the navigation to open the SSRS logs.

I tried to open the latest log file in note pad and try to found the text with keyword "error" and found out below.

The Problem was I have created parameter name "inventTransferId" in my contract class and I set it to hide on report level but the problem was its value was not initialised when I was trying to send the Report Directly to Printer.

When I set the following property of the of the parameter then my report was working fine.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Monday, 4 February 2019

D365 for Finance and Ops X++ Job to Get the Primary Position Title of Employee by Passing Worker Recid

Below is the code snippet to get the Primary Position Title of the employee by passing the worker recid.

private HcmTitleId getPositionTitle(HcmWorkerRecId hcmWorkerRecid)
        HcmWorker                   hcmWorker;
        HcmPositionWorkerAssignment hcmPositionWorkerAssignment;
        HcmPosition                 hcmPosition;
        HcmPositionDetail           hcmPositionDetail;
        HcmTitle                    hcmTitle;

        hcmPositionWorkerAssignment = HcmWorkerHelper::getWorkerPrimaryPositionAssignment(hcmWorkerRecid);
        select TitleId from hcmTitle
            join hcmPositionDetail
        where hcmPositionDetail.Title == hcmTitle.RecId
            join hcmPosition
            where hcmPosition.RecId == hcmPositionWorkerAssignment.Position;
        return hcmTitle.TitleId;

Note that HcmPositionWorkerAssignment is a validTimeState table. The above query will only retrieve position assignment that is currently active. 
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